Global OD Case number three

Hans, Zvi, KT and Howard  set up a meeting whilst in a management meeting in Antwerp.

Hans is German. Zvi is Israeli.  KT is Indian. Howard is American.

The meeting was scheduled to start a 1400-1630 Central European Time and analyse possible ramifications to a 6 month delay of a key software release.

Hans came in at 1355 and shut off his phone.

Zvi arrived at 1415, talking on his phone; when he finished talking, he put it on vibrate.

KT came in at 1410, opened his three phones in silent mode, and texted constantly.

Howard came in at 1400, and kept his phone turned face down, and looked at it ever 15 m.

Hans read out the agenda. “Ve vill go market by market unt analyse the ramifications.”

KT wanted to focus on the difference between generic and market-specific ramifications. “Ve makes fools of ourselves unless we show generic and market-specific”!…and then talked for 10 m, while Hans listened yet tried to go back to the agenda.

Zvi spoke for 20 minutes, trying to see “what do we mean by delay” and what if, due to the delay, we release a killer release and gain market domination.   What then?”

Howard said that the meeting needed better process, and then talked about the American market, “which guys, let’s admit, is the most important”.  Howard also wanted to ensure that we all “touch base” with the same assumptions.

After 90 m, there was a half a definition of what a delay was, and a shabby definition of what we mean by delay. Some risk analysis was done and no market specific ramifications were generated.

When time was over, Hans and Howard wanted to leave. KT and Zvi skipped out on their next meeting and contiuted to talk, generating some interesting (oral) market specific ramifications of the delay.

Hans complained at supper about the lack of discipline. Howard claimed that meetings need process and he remembered a book he read…..well….he forgot the name. KT said the meeting was great, and that he had learned a lot. Zvi said the meeting was “not bad” and that “ve shoult have exchanges like dis more ahfen”.


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