There are lots of organisational design questions about managing in general and managing change in particular with teams full of contractors, permanents, and virtual teams.
While present ecosystems are coping with these changes albeit with great difficulty, the major challenge that remains is that technology change is so frequent and so massive that everything else lags behind. Organizational design is always trying to catch up with technology.
In this post, I want to focus on what I see as five design issues (there are many more) which can serve in redesigning organizations which are more adaptive to the world of work which is being dragged/pushed along by technology.
- The approach to design needs to be piecemeal, that is constantly in flux, not too rigid, not too orthodox, without assuming that one size fits all. A purchasing process will look differently in China and the USA. Hiring may need to adhere to a few basic principles, but there will be exceptions. In brief, French grammar….a few rules and thousands of exceptions. Oui!
- Fairness is a key design element which needs to be factored into organizational design. In the present political climate, the left sees fair as egalitarian and the right sees fair as proportional. In post modern organizations, lack of fairness has yet to be fully understood, categorized and re-engineered. A contractor working side by side with a salaried employee have totally different motives. The contractor may want to get the job done now; the salaried employee wants to fill up the hours he or she works. It is impossible to avoid the fairness issues. It is so blatant. It cannot be defined away by process or legal means.
- Some cultures are not transparent by design. Some cultures believe in win lose. Some belief systems are exclusionary of the legitimacy of other belief systems. Thus, behavioural codes must factor in (or out) the immense diversity that is obfuscated by the massive use of the English language, messaging and other technologies by making us all seem/appear similar. To address this variance, there needs to be far more, or far less, tolerance. Probably both!
- Except for a the western rich educated liberal, people have tribal needs of belonging. These tribal needs are neglected when contractors, salaried and temps work together. When tribal needs are somehow met to foster a sense of belonging, we will have come a long way. Oh yes, if the model of belonging is to be ‘multiculturalism’, forget it. It doesn’t work all that great except in the mind of rich educated liberals and on social media.
- Leaderless solutions need to be flushed down the toilet. The complexity of the ecosystem, the inherent lack of trust, the inevitable silos and the competitive economic model all dictate the need for wise, mature and very flexible leadership. And the vast majority of followers outside of the rich democratic countries prefer strong autocratic leaders.
Thanks to my friend Andy Spence for the inspiration.
Good points, Allon. They have been applicable for a long time now. Good to see that they are being recognized.
Hi Allon, all very good points. I’m not sure I completely agree with the last one, but I think (as so often the case) it depends on context. There is a company in the Netherlands doing amazing work with self-organizing teams that I find quite compelling – Buurtzorg ( Empowering employees, assigning responsibility as close as possible to the problem to be solved, and adopting a customer-centric focus are already well-documented factors to successful organizations in the literature. Again, context is key, I don’t think this would work for a huge multinational, but many of the principles are still applicable imho.
Hi Thor
There may be exceptions but I sincerely believe that self organizing does not work.